Democracy, a success

Written by Lars Bobeck
22 of April 2024

Democracy is a number of liberties and one big obligation, to respect the law and especially the constitution. Like in USA we should be proud of our democratic constitution. Democracy is ideal. It gives us the freedom we need and that we can handle. Not very much more and not very much less. We need freedom to develop our understanding, and thereby to develop a better future.
Democracy sometimes fails, but the alternative is much worse. Without democracy we can not replace a leader that turns out to be bad. Democracy can limit destructive egoism, since current democracy is based on humanism. Although it doesn't fully work in reality. Our mission should therefore be to better our democracy, so that it cares for all citizens. Critical thinking and the free word are crucial for our understanding. If we believe in all marketing we will not understand very much.
We live in the marketing age, so it is important to understand marketing. Marketing is often like a bikini, it shows a lot but it hides the essentials. Always be suspicious when you face obtrusive marketing or promises to good to be true.
Those who don't like democracy should try to live under dictatorship. I have found dictatorship the worst thing we have on earth. If anything will cause annihilation it is dictatorship or fake democracy.
We should not only think about what democracy can do for us, but also about what we can do for the world. 45 years ago I decided that my main contribution to better the world should be to support help organizations, it mainly became the Red Cross and the local Town Mission. No big money but relatively much in relation to my income, all contributions count. To reduce poverty reduces suffering, but also the risk for conflicts. So if we want a peaceful world our gifts are not in vain. The same thing holds if we want to reduce criminality in our own country. It was a suitable mission for me. I have no car, no family and a low rent.

Democracy is constantly under attack, and must constantly be defended. But this has a price. Those who stand up for democracy are various ways persecuted all over the planet. I have been active at a small scale, but also I have had to suffer pretty much for my engagement.

A democracy should not be a dictatorship of the majority, it is important not to discriminate minorities.
I wish to stress that democracy is necessary but not sufficient, a democracy has to be social to be sufficient. Whatever religion tells you money is the highest God and sex the second highest. This means that we consciously must counteract a too uneven distribution of assets if we want a social society. A too uneven distribution will cause problems, ghettos and a high street criminality. It is also very unfair to have homeless people in a rich country.
A very important part of having a social democracy is the degree of unemployment. When we in Sweden practised the social liberal Keynesian economic policies we had a very low unemployment. Olof Palme was to a high degree a guarantee for this, I consider it his most important political deed. He opposed most swedish economists who wanted to raise unemployment radically to get inflation down. A few years after Palmes death the economists unfortunately took over.
And Palme was not at all a communist. In his youth he was actually a swedish spy in eastern Europe. After each journey in these countries he reported to the swedish military security service. He also registered communists in Sweden, although it was forbidden in the swedish law to register political opinions.
In USA poeple want to starve the beast, that is to keep the federal tax low. In Sweden we have instead starved our immigrants. It has caused a kind of concrete ghettos in suburbs all over Sweden, and a high street criminality. People are shot to death in the streets almost every week in Sweden. We never had such problems when we were a welfare state. A good democracy should have an acceptabel minimal economic standard to reduce street criminality, but also for people with some kind of handicap who can not work.

About the relation between religion and democracy -- an occult view.
I think that both heaven and earth can benefit from democracy, so there should be no conflict between religion and democracy. I also think that many leaders in heaven advocate democracy for the physical realm in our time, and that they have helped democracy to become a success. I think that heaven is lead by Groups of Directors (GOD) and that they can benefit from the democratic process to prepare good decisions. Some religions have many Gods, and I find it reasonable. However high the communication speed is in heaven, it limits the area that one person can control. Another reason to have many Gods is that they can contribute with different capabilities. I don´t believe that one person can have the full measure of all capabilities, and have the capacity to be aware of the needs of myriads of souls.
Democracy is probably the best thing we have on our planet, and probably a part of the divine plan. Yet some laggard religions still fight a considerable number of our democratic rights. I think that they will have to change.

The free word is a very valuable part of democracy, don't let parts of New Age fool you to read magic
against it. A limitation of the free word shall be well-founded, for example a prohibition against persecution.
It is otherwise only those who have hidden crimes who can benefit from prohibiting a critical examination.